WePride Ourselves On:
Training your dog & for multiple disabilles
Guide dogs bring independence and safety to their owners. These dogs are taught to stop at curbs, walk in a straight line, walk on the left side of their handler, avoid obstacles in all directions including low hanging branches, stopping for traffic, avoiding moving vehicles, and navigating intersections. Most importantly they are taught intelligent disobedience, or to ignore their owner's commands when it places them in danger.
* Guide dogs MUST LIVE AND TRAIN ON SITE at Mt. Vernon IA.
Mobility Assistance
Mobility dogs bring confidence and independence in day-to-day life for their owners. Whether they struggle with balance, be wheelchair bound, or just need assistance walking, these dogs are an extension of their owners. These dogs perform tasks that many take for granted. The variety of tasks these dogs preform is expansive, they include turning on and off lights, pushing buttons, opening and closing doors, retrieving and carrying objects by name and on command, reaching counters at home and in public, while providing balance, and much more.
These dogs also receive training for medical alert assistance to get help in emergency situations. If their owner falls or something is wrong, the dog will alert their handler or get help. The dog is taught to perform a set of sequenced commands in response to their owners needs. This could be to get a needed medication, alert a family member, bring medical information to strangers, and direct people back to their owner.
These unseen, and often unnoticeable disabilities can lead to isolation and negative feedback cycles. Psychiatric service dogs are trained to stress signals in their owners through cortisol levels and physical signals + behavior. These dogs are trained specifically for their owners needs which may include interrupting nightmares, turning on lights, getting medications, interrupt disruptive episodes, searching rooms before their owner enters, or alerting them if someone is approaching from behind. They also assist their owners with isolation by getting them out and interacting with others. We can train for anxiety and depression disorders, PTSD, TBI (Traumatic Brain Injuries), panic disorders, Autism, personality disorders, self-harming behaviors, and much more.
Therapy (Facility)